Welcome to Penn State Lehigh Valley! Although we are a commuter campus, there are plenty of off-campus rental options, as well as bus transportation to multiple locations to meet your housing needs.
We’ve even partnered with Places4Students to help you in your search for the right off-campus housing, roommates, and sublet postings, if needed!
To begin your search for off-campus housing:
If you’re considering an off-campus housing option, we’re happy to assist! Please reach out to Melissa Baker at [email protected] to get started.Search off-campus housing listings through Places4Students >>
Search properties within the Places4Students database. It is important to note: landlords are NOT vetted or endorsed by the University and you are highly encouraged to read and follow the disclaimer below.
Create a student account on Places4Students >>
Creating a student account with Places4Students will allow you to store your rental information for future access and renewals, help you map distance to campus, track how many students are viewing the listing you may want, provide live customer support, and more.Create a landlord account on Places4Students >>
If you are a landlord interested in posting on Places4Students, start here.Important Tips/Checklists for Renters>>
From what questions to ask potential landlords and how to select a roommate, to safety and security checklists, this is must-read information for even experienced renters.
Off-Campus Housing Closed Facebook Group
To connect with other new and current PSU-LV students living off-campus, request to join our private Facebook group, administered by our Student Affairs Office. In addition to meeting other PSU-LV students who live off campus, you can find potential roommates and share useful information about your location, commute, housing situation and more!
To be invited to this group, email the director of Student Affairs, Melissa Baker at m[email protected], using your Penn State email. Once you have been verified as a student, you will be sent an invitation.
*Penn State University Housing Disclaimer
The Pennsylvania State University makes no representation whatsoever regarding the housing or the landlords listed through this office/site. The properties listed are done so at the request of the landlords to assist students in locating possible off-campus housing opportunities. Students are responsible to inspect the property and negotiate lease terms with any landlord. The Pennsylvania State University has not inspected or investigated these listings or landlords in any way and is not endorsing any specific properties or landlords for students by this listing. The Pennsylvania State University disclaims any